Thursday, February 23, 2012


"Success has been and continues to be defined as getting up one more time than you've been knocked down. If experience has taught me anything, it's that nothing is free and living ain't easy. Life is hard, real hard, incredibly hard. You fail more often than you win, nobody is handing you anything. If you want to be the very best out there that is, get out there and earn it! Once you decide that, you'll know where it is you want to be. Then you won't stop pushing forward until you get there! That's how winners are made. #MSU #ProudCoach"

This was a friend's Facebook status I wrote down a few weeks back. A particular friend who knows and embraces the importance of passion, hard work, focus, and persistence...that true daily "grind" so to speak.

It has been a solid three years since I have been in a collegiate weight room (which was at Oklahoma State when I was working for the athletic department). But I recently walked into Midwestern State University's facilities, and those memories came back to me. The action inside the weight room at MSU's DL Ligon Coliseum unfolds against a deafening soundtrack of clanging metal and shouting. Sure it's loud, but the athletes listen. They know that winning comes from pushing not just physically, but mentally...every single day.

Signs of progress are being unveiled. The Mustangs have proved themselves in numerous sports with football going 10-1 and advancing to the NCAA Division II second round, men's soccer making it to the Division II first round, women's soccer ending their season in the Division II second round, and women's cross country claiming the highest national ranking in school history at #10... and judging by the way things are going, it seems as though men's and women's basketball will be adding to the accolades board as well.

The success all comes back to what these athletes did OFF the field. In some of the players' cases, that path to victory likely began somewhere in that loud, busy workspace of dumbbells, bars, and weights. In most, it started within. Of course they had to buy in to what they were being told to do physically, but it started with a foundation they could build on mentally.

Have you ever heard someone say, "Get your mind right!"? As many times as I may roll my eyes after hearing that phrase, I can't help but reflect on what it truly means. To me, those four simple words mean, "Change your mind before you change your body." You must constantly think about being a winner. It's tough to do when you haven't been victorious for a while, but its crucial. There are no excuses. There is no sugarcoating. It's about having a mind set to go to the next level and win.

The coach I took my initial quote from knows what it's like to win. He's no stranger to the feeling of success, hailing from a university that won back to back NAIA National Football Championships in '08 and '09, and were runners up in 2010. This coach is striving to take that "winner's mindset" and make sure it hits home with his athletes. The most important result of any program is changing each team member's mindset to that of a winner. I doubt anyone would argue with that.

Just remember, "Winners win, because that's what winners do."

*post inspired by Coach Cronin

Monday, December 5, 2011

Don't let 'em get ya down!

Tonight I sit here and ask myself one question. "Am I a difficult person?" I feel like everyone can think of difficult individuals, whether it be at work, school, or in our own family. I can name several right off the bat, but tonight leaves me wondering if I am ever THAT person. Am I the one with the hard head and pessimistic attitude?

Think of the last time you were faced with a negative or difficult person. Recall the last time someone intentionally said something or did something to hurt you. How did you handle it? Did you get through it with peace and grace? What was the result?

Its inevitable. No matter where we go, we will face people who always oppose our ideas, people who piss us off, or those that we just can not stand to be around for fear that we will fall into deep depression and join their downward spiral of emotions. You know who I'm talking about...the Negative Nancies and Debbie Downers...the people who are often so bored and unhappy with their own lives that they want to take others (you) down with them. They create conflict. Now, conflict is just a fact of life, but it also triggers our emotions and drives us back to our survival instinct; react and attack.

Sure our instinct is make this person miserable, but as humans we are the only "animals" blessed with intelligence and self-control. The react and attack response is natural, so it takes more self-control to not let it bother us. Besides, reactions to someone who is negative will only trigger anger and additional reactions from that person. Think about the best way to deal with the situation. I came across this quote, "Where attention goes, energy flows." Again, as humans, we are blessed with intelligence, and we are able to focus on one thing at a time. What we focus on tends to expand itself within us. Energy spent on negativity is energy that could have been spent on our personal well-being.

I am no psychologist. I took three hours worth of psychology in college, so I am by no means an expert. I have had a lot of practice dealing with negativity, and it is actually something I find myself having to actively work on. The truth is this: we have emotions and egos. Try not to let them get out of hand. Eliminate those Debbie Downers in your life. Why let them continue to be an energy drain? Separate yourself. When you find yourself identifying with these kind of people, focus...or go for a run, swim, bike ride...clear your mind and release any built up emotions in a healthy manner.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Allow me to step on my soap box for this next read...

Everything happens for a reason. What is supposed to happen, will happen. If things do not go your way, it can be stressful, painful, and hard, but you do not always have to be in control. (Which is something I struggle with daily.) It is all just a part of the grand scheme of things. Do not let your emotions cloud your vision. Do not ever fail to see the bigger picture. You may not understand why things are happening the way they are, but soon enough you will know.

No matter what your problem is, big or small, it usually entails a portion of your heart getting broken. Sometimes, it’s only a bruise, sometimes it feels like it is shattered into a million pieces. When dealing with a broken heart, it can be devastating and utterly painful, but sometimes it is just God’s way of calling you back to him, to make you grow as a person, or maybe you have to experience that to pave the way for something much better.

When you become overwhelmed, it is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. You tend to focus on the present, and feel the enormity of your problem, you feel like you have got the biggest problem in the world, and you feel alone and do not know what to do. And most often than not, you feel the tendency to take matters into your own hands. You tend to do things and you do everything you can to control the situation. And then when things do not go according to what you planned, you find yourself frustrated and bitter. You do not realize, that no matter how you try to control things your way, if it is not meant to be, it is not going to happen. If you refuse to accept it and force it, you are only prolonging the inevitable. You will only delay God’s true plan for you… He has a plan for you if only you learn to be open and let go of the things that he wants you to let go of. So, stop manipulating things. A solution that is manipulated will not bring real happiness.

Problems will always be a part of life, and at times when you are down, when you are at your lowest point, talk to God. If you ask sincerely, he will enlighten you, clear your confusion, ease your pain, calm your fears, and heal your heart. It is not going to provide you an instant solution to your problem, but God works in mysterious ways, and as long as you walk with Him, and just trust and believe, the sooner you will get to that place where you will see everything clearly, and you will finally begin to understand. Everything happens for a reason. You may not understand the reason now, but you will when the time is right.

(Thank you Asher Griffin for supplying me with the photo at the top.)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

Who doesn't love Christmas morning?! Family, sleeping in, opening gifts, eating Santa's left over cookies, tree lit, music playing, staying in PJs until noon... just to name a few of the things at the Williams home. Oh, and let's not forget the annual "tree photo" with my brother. :)

Dylan likes to put every present on while opening them, as opposed to stacking his gifts in a pile. Which would explain the basketball shorts and Ugg slippers.

Dad had fun with the 3D glasses - mom buys new ones every year.
Dylan opened every present with a hunting knife this year.

The annual "tree picture"

This year's Christmas was a success, like always. We started the day at home and ended with a big gathering with Cliff's family at the "Mac Shack" (the McCallister home).

The hostess with the mostess!

The big meal - yes, that would be 4 long tables and every chair in the building.
After an evening of eating way too much tenderloin and pie, and opening "white elephant" gifts, we met up with old high school friends for a Christmas party...complete with Seasonal cocktails, games, and of course...a self-timed group photo.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Best Christmas Present Ever...(sarcasm)

I got my tonsils out! No more strep throat multiple times a year!

A BIG thank you to Dr. Singleton and his staff at Kell West. All I remember is being pampered with warm blankets all morning and waking up from my anesthetic to nurses singing Christmas carols and offering me a Popsicle.

Disclaimer: if you are over 12 years of age, I would highly recommend NOT getting your tonsils out because HOLY CRAP IT IS AWFUL! Sure, there's ice cream and jello, but I promise it gets old after three days of eating the same thing. In the event that you do have to get your tonsils out at an older age, do yourself a favor and ask for more pain medicine.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Tyler Rushing Band

I have always been somewhat of a music junkie. No, I may not be able to tell you who sings what song and what year it was recorded...but I'd like to think that my wide range of taste and my ability to learn songs easily can place me in the category of a "junkie". So when a close family member can pick up a guitar and start playing some of my favorite country songs, I tend to get a little excited.

My cousin, Tyler, has been playing in front of live audiences for the past two years. It was not until recently that he started opening for some noteworthy names like HoneyBrowne, Charlie Robinson, Turnpike Troubadours, and Creedence Clearwater Revisted. I never would have guessed in my wildest dreams that Tyler would become a performer. He has always been quiet and reserved. But when he hops up on stage with his band (The Tyler Rushing Band), he becomes this whole new person...its like he immediately inherits this "alias" or something.

This past summer, he entered a "battle of the bands" competition at the annual Falls Fest weekend here in Wichita Falls and WON. His prize? Opening for Creedence Clearwater Revisited, which includes some of the original CCR members. This concert really increased awareness of the band around the Wichita Falls area.

I could not be more proud of him, especially when he is getting the crowd involved, telling funny stories, and singing his songs at the top of his lungs. It always makes me happy when he asks me to join him on stage for some Old Crow Medicine Show, Pearl Jam, and CCR. I would hope that at some point in the future we can learn more than just our token three songs. (I planned on posting a video of us singing together, but because my days get shorter and shorter with work and work outs, it might be a ways down the road from now.)

The Tyler Rushing Band consists of Tyler Rushing (lead vocals and acoustic guitar), Landon Studer (lead guitar), Kane Eavenson (bass, vocals, and banjo), Matt Rose (drums), and Josh Scarbrough (harmonica).

If you or anyone you know needs a band for an event (even if it's just a private party), give Tyler and the boys a call. Tell 'em I sent ya!

Listen to the Tyler Rushing Band here:

To book the TRB, call: (940) 867-3367

Friday, December 17, 2010

Shotzi's Show

I LOVE visiting my brother at school. When I lived in Dallas, I had so much fun driving down to see him and meet his friends. It had been a while since I had seen Dylan, so when I found out that the Tyler Rushing Band had a show in College Station, I jumped on board and decided to make the trip. I drove down with my aunt and Brittany, so the long drive wasn't too agonizing.

Tyler's show was in the Skyy Bar at Schotzi's on the main strip, North Gate. The venue was open to 18 and up, which helped the door numbers. I joined in for a few songs and had a blast dancing with Dylan's cross country team members. Brittany and I were also able to recruit some people from the downstairs bar to come up and support the Tyler Rushing Band, as well as buy a few koozies! The turnout was great and I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

I can't forget the most memorable part about the trip: the flat tire. On our way home, the back right tire was completely annihilated! Brittany was able to get the spare down, while I called a worker from a nearby gas station ("Shaggy") to help us out with the rest. I personally think Brit should just become a mechanic...doesn't she look like a natural?!