I have spent DAYS helping Cliff in his backyard. Why? One word...bamboo. I can not begin to explain how much I HATE bamboo right now. It's one thing to buy one of the little potted sprouts at the mall kiosk for "good luck", but it's a whole different ball game when you are spending hours upon hours using tree limb clippers and a machete to take down the 100 sq ft area of bamboo in the 1/2 acre backyard. We have already hauled off two landscaping trailers and filled the alley dumpster three times... and still have about 50 sq ft to go. We started the project when Cliff bought Jake (puppy), assuming that there would be ticks, rodents, etc. in the "backyard jungle". After cutting down a small area, we soon discovered an old dog run behind the garage...fortunately it is not infested with bamboo, BUT it does a have it's share of ivy and over-grown bushes., which I will use Round-Up on later. We came to a halt this week after realizing that a neighbor's tree has fallen on top of the bamboo, so the job is postponed until we get a chainsaw. But hey, at least we've dominated half of the problem. I plan on posting photos of the finished product, but it might be a few weeks before we resume the job. (side note: besides the bamboo, we have also groomed every tree and bush in the backyard...it's looking SO much better!)
Oh, and in case anyone was interested, we had a few contractors check out the mess and give us estimates from $450 to $700. Highway robbery? I think so.
For tips on how to successfully remove bamboo, check out these sites...
Oh, and in case anyone was interested, we had a few contractors check out the mess and give us estimates from $450 to $700. Highway robbery? I think so.
For tips on how to successfully remove bamboo, check out these sites...