Friday, August 20, 2010

Gig 'Em

Dylan is now part of a new family. A family that I am not currently part of, and a family that I will never be part of. He is now a "Fightin' Texas Aggie."

Okay, so maybe it's not that bad. I guess technically, I am an Oklahoma State Aggie. And after all, he DID earn his way on to the Texas A&M Men's Track and Cross Country teams. (Which makes me a VERY proud sister.) Dylan spent a year at Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches, Texas and was not exactly himself during that time. Sure, he had friends, but they were his teammates, not his long time buddies from high school. His girlfriend, Addison, along with at least 24 others from his graduating class were at A&M, and he wanted to be there as well.

After being red-shirted his freshman year, Dylan was still able to run unattached at a few track meets in the spring. He caught the A&M coach's attention when he beat several Aggie runners in the steeple chase event. It was at that point that things started looking up for him. He spoke with coaches, made sure his grades were where they needed to be, and continued to train hard even after the season was over.

My little brother was accepted into Texas A&M at the beginning of the summer and was even offered a scholarship for track and cross country! His whole demeanor changed after that day. His workouts were more intense, his diet changed, and he became mentally stronger.

Dylan left for College Station as a completely different person. He had his head held high and did not dread that first day of class/practice (like last year). I know that this move will be a milestone for him and will change his future dramatically. The Texas Aggie family is one of the strongest networks in the south and I know that he will fit right in (minus doing all of the chants and "whooping" until my head hurts).

I will never consider myself an A&M fan, but I do know ONE Aggie that I will be rooting for these next few years on the courses and tracks, and I couldn't be more proud to say that he's my brother.

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