Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Colorado Birthday Trip - Part 2

Let it be known that Jake loves road trips. Cliff and I honestly believe he slept during 90% of the drive to Colorado. He's definitely a little trooper! But for some reason, while driving through the pass from Denver to Breckenridge, Jake had a tough time staying in the back seat. (note the photo) Other than that, it was smooth sailing for the pup.

We arrived in Breckenridge and Hardy and Mary Grace immediately had dinner plans for us (for Cliff's birthday). They treated us to one of Breck's finest restaurants, Modis. We also had a great view of the mountains at sunset during our meal! Check out http://www.modisbreck.com/ to see their menu or make a reservation for yourself!

As for the rest of our time in Breckenridge...well, I'll let the pictures do most of the talkin'!
  • Sawmill Reservoir - We hiked here three times during the trip to let the dogs swim and play fetch. The water was crystal clear and it was so peaceful. It was actually a pretty nice little hiking trail too. In fact, Cliff and I ran it one day and almost died on "Cardiac Hill"...I guess we should have taken a hint from the name!

  • Random hiking trails/ski trails - Like I said above, we hiked to the lake. It wasn't until I saw some ski trail signs that I realized we were hiking where we skied back in the spring!

(Next post will continue our Colorado trip)

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