My family has always had a dog around. I got my first Golden Retriever, Casey, in first grade. She created so many memories for our family. I thought she was unstoppable. When she passed away during my sophomore year of college I just knew mom would NOT allow us to get another dog (you have to understand that Casey was not exactly mom's favorite), but after almost a year, my parents agreed upon the fact that the house was just too lonely without a furry friend running around.
Insert Kaymen. Kaymen is nothing like Casey. He has a mind of his own and it is safe to say that he has doggy ADHD. My dad, brother, and I immediately started seeing a change in mom's feelings towards K9 friends. It was almost ridiculous to see how much she babied Kaymen. Well, about a year went by and mom came up with an unheard of idea in our house..."let's get a friend for Kaymen to play with, he's probably so lonely when we're at work"...at this time, I could have sworn pigs could fly.
Insert Solomon. Solomon came to us right before Christmas last year. He was raised in a shed and was needing a better environment. After talking to his old owners, we found out that Solomon was actually Kaymen's litter mate/brother!
These two boys have been inseparable since day one. They sleep together, they run together, they dig to China in the backyard together. I have never seen two dogs get along the way Kaymen and "Solly" do.
Three years ago, if you would have told me we'd have two "fur people" in the Williams house, I probably would have called you crazy...but now, I could not imagine our house without these two gentlemen! :)

This post is in memory of Casey "Gorman" Williams
11/10/93 - 10/10/07
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