Sunday, July 18, 2010

Friendship in a Nut Shell...

It's simple. If you don't have friends, you're lonely.

Keeping up with friends is one of my top 10 goals in life. I never want to be somewhere down the road and have to sit and ask myself, "I wonder what she's doing these days?" A promise that I made to myself a few years ago, was to constantly keep in contact with friends...not only the ones near and dear, but also the ones I only meet up with once in a blue moon. My challenge was to call at least five friends a week and send at least one letter a week. (Now I will be the first to admit, sometimes that does not happen, BUT...I make up for it when I get into a "writing frenzy.")

To some, friendship is important, but not essential. Many people will go through life without friends. I could never be one of those people.

Have you ever had a dream where you were all alone in the world? I think everyone has. I see this dream as a reminder to ask yourself, "What would I do without them?"

I could go on and on about each and every person I call a "friend", but I will save that for another day. To me, with friendship comes...

Heart aches/tears
Unforgettable faces

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