The first cup of the day in particular is SO GOOD that I am almost afraid that I won't be able to function if I don't set the coffee pot, or run by Starbucks on the way to work. Therefore, if I do miss my morning fix, I go at lunch to make up for it. (Yeah, I know...its out of control.)
I was probably 10 when I was introduced to ritual of making coffee. In fact, my parents were happy enough about me fixing them coffee that they might have overlooked my first few clashes with brewing technology.
When I was in high school, all four members of the family were drinking approximately two mugs per morning, so coffee was crucial. We brewed a full pot of coffee every day at 6 a.m. to help us jump start our morning. Oh, and do I dare mention that the first Starbucks came to town during my senior year? It was during that time frame (four years) that I became hooked.
During my freshman year of college in 2005, I was delighted to discover a locally owned coffee shop not too far from where I lived. Anyone who has ever lived in Stillwater, Oklahoma should know what I'm talking about..."A little place called Asssspen" (thank you, Lloyd Christmas). At the time, I was focused more on the taste and less on the price. Aspen Coffee Company was like 'Cheers' for college students...everybody knew your name. There was the barista who knew exactly what I wanted everyday, the owner who asked how last week's test went, and the friend who was always saving a chair for me when every table was full (especially during finals week). Aspen was the place to be. Within weeks, I accepted the fact that, for the remainder of my time in Stillwater, a considerable portion of my income would end up at Aspen Coffee Company on Western Avenue.
I miss Aspen...the smell, the exact same "Aspen junkies" every day in their same seats, my daily ritual of "morning chai latte, afternoon sweet tea, and evening blended Bechtol", the free-WiFi, the old man who was constantly sitting out in front on the porch smoking and wearing a baret, and the ball-bearing bike headset toilet paper roll (see photo).

If you read this blog and have ever been to Aspen, please feel free to comment about your experience!

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